A strong first impression is a thing of pride. A shoddy-looking parking lot can make your business look unprofessional and unwelcoming to your customers.
Luckily, our team of striping specialists can give your lot the makeover it deserves.
With our full suite of Lot Marking & Signage capabilities, your lot will look clean and sharp in no time – boosting the confidence and appeal of your business and ensuring visitors always find their way.
Every business needs direction. From individual lanes to handicap symbols, crosswalks and more, we’ll paint your ground with the symbols visitors need to navigate your lot effortlessly. We use the highest quality materials – meaning our striping will hold longer and need retouching only once every 2-4 years.
We’ll protect the edges of your ground and signage from vehicular impact with customized concrete & rubber blocks that meet your lot’s specifications. But more importantly, we’ll ensure pedestrians using the sidewalks feel safe on your property at all times.
Every job we take on begins with a plan. We ensure your striping projects are scheduled and accomplished between the months of April and December for optimal results. However, sometimes certain color paints take longer to dry in colder weather. That’s why we strongly recommend that striping be done sooner in the season rather than later.
Every business needs direction. For the safety of your customers and employees, it’s important that your lot stays ADA compliant with visible striping. Yellow or white lines on a freshly sealed black lot always pop and look professional – improving traffic flow and ensuring an accommodating experience for everyone.
Proper signage ensures safe pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow – minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries in commercial facilities. We’ll install the standards: “stop,” “yield” and “handicap.” But if your needs are more specific, our team will work with you to install signs designed just for your lot.
It may be time to update your parking lot plan.
In 2010, the Americans with Disabilities Act was amended, establishing new standards for accessible design. According to the act, all alterations made after March 15, 2012 must comply with the 2010 standards.
Accessible parking spaces in your property have to be identified by signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility, and all the routes, spaces and aisles need to stay clear and visible.
At Maul Sealcoating, we understand the ground rules set by international and individual local ordinances and mount the signs such that motorists and local enforcement officials have greater visibility.
For a strong first impression and an ADA compliant lot, hire a team that knows your business as well as our own.