When searching for a paving company, you may not know where to start outside of a basic Google search. You have plenty of options, but how do you know which company will be the best based on your needs?

Experience, a reputable company, their approach to work, efficiency, services offered, timeline, reviews, and final product are all valuable components to investigate when searching for a commercial paving company.

Making sure you choose the best contractors while ensuring optimal quality is of utmost importance. So, how do you know when you’ve hired the best commercial paving contractors?


When a contracting company has experience in a variety of areas, they are the professionals that you want to hire. Multiple industries, small jobs and large-scale jobs, and different capabilities like paving and concrete all show expertise of the company. Experience means that the team is knowledgeable, which leads to safety and accuracy for the entire project.

Reputable Company


Some paving contractors will guarantee you a lower price by not having insurance. This, of course, could then lead to higher deductibles and premiums for your company’s insurance in the future.

Safety Standards

Safety is always the most important part in any type of project. A quality paving company will uphold the highest safety standards not only during the project, but also after everything is compete.


It’s essential to find a company that has been around and working for a long time. This way, if you need other services in the future, you know you can trust that they will still be there to help you out.

Project Manager

A project manager is a key component to any size project. They should be present at each project, ensuring that your business is not disrupted while the work is happening. They are also there to make certain that customers in the parking lot are safe.

Approach to Work

Quality paving contractors will make sure to complete all of the logistics before starting on the project. They will help you obtain necessary permits and perform a comprehensive site evaluation to detect all problems in case there are issues you were not able to identify. The company will work with you to create a plan— whether that’s over a few months or years— to guarantee that you stay within your budget. Then once the project starts, they’ll be sure to keep in contact with you.


No matter the size or type of project you are working on or hire someone for, efficiency is always key. The paving company should work quickly and safely but maintain the schedule that was set before the project was started. Of course, issues can arise, putting a dent into the timeline or tacking on additional costs, but generally the timeline should be able to be followed closely and the project should be completed within a reasonable date of the original deadline. It’s also important to keep in mind that weather can cause delays. Guaranteeing minimal disruption of your business is crucial to maintaining your success.


Pick a company that is comprised of experts in their industry, able to perform multiple required services. For example, if your lot is covered in puddles, your paving contractors should offer drainage systems or catch basins to correct this initial issue. Need some updated signs as well After the entire paving process is finished, you should be able to look at your lot and be fully satisfied with what you see, feel, and drive or walk on. Previous concerns will be long gone, and you should fully enjoy the freshly paved lot before you. The lot should surpass your standards of perfection and you should not find any problems at the completion stage – or for years to come. A great paving company will ensure that, when they leave for the last time, you will be glad to have hired them for the project.

A quality paving company will offer these abilities alongside the paving and sealcoating itself. Finally, no ground is complete without extras like concrete sidewalks or curbs. It’s extra important to make sure that ADA compliance is withheld so that all of your customers and employees will remain safe.


For a project as big as paving a parking lot, a detailed timeline should be created in order to show exactly what will be done, when tasks will be completed, and what date the project is expected to be completed by.

The professional paving company should offer a point of contact for the project from beginning to end, as well as a project manager on site throughout the duration of the project. Both of these people will be available to answer questions or concerns, give updates about the project, and ensure safety standards are met.

A detailed timeline is also useful in determining the current status of the project in order to keep everyone up to date on the paving process. An excellent, professional paving company will never leave the client in limbo on the status of the project. The very best paving contractors know that some projects can take years to complete, so they will offer phases for the project in order to match necessary budgets.


Regardless of the specific service you may be looking for, reviews and testimonies about the company are a great way to find out how reputable they are. If customers have had issues in the past, reviews will tell you exactly what happened and whether or not the paving contractors worked to resolve that. Reviews will also tell you if people felt the price they paid was worth the work and product they received, offering insight on the deal you will receive if you choose that specific company.

Final Product

After the entire paving process is finished, you should be able to look at your lot and be fully satisfied with what you see, feel, and drive or walk on. Previous concerns will be long gone, and you should fully enjoy the freshly paved lot before you. The lot should surpass your standards of perfection and you should not find any problems at the completion stage – or for years to come. The finest paving company will ensure that, when they leave for the last time, you will be glad to have hired them for the project.

Maul: The Best Paving Contractors

At Maul Paving, Sealcoating, & Concrete, we work hard to provide you the best deal for the ground that your business needs. Whether that’s paving, sealcoating, concrete, or adding in signs, striping, parking blocks, or drainage systems, we work with you to ensure the process will be successful for years to come. We understand that your business may need to remain open as we work, so we’ll create a schedule that keeps your requirements as the top priority. All of our professionals at Maul understand that both you and your ground deserve respect; we make sure to go above and beyond your expectations in the quality of work, your experience with our people, our timeline, and our efficiency. Contact us to get your next ground project started!


When you join a tradition that’s changed the industry’s landscape for more than 30 years, your position demands hard-earned respect.



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